Abstract Mentor Programme
The goal of The Union’s Abstract Mentor Programme is to provide an opportunity for individuals with limited experience in writing and submitting abstracts to work with a volunteer mentor (someone with notable experience). Mentors review and provide feedback on the writing and content of an abstract.
- Prepare a draft abstract in accordance with the abstract submission guidelines.
- Perform spelling and grammar check (e.g. Office Word spelling and grammar function).
- Submit your abstract for mentor feed-back by emailing it to mentoring@theunion.org by 19 March to receive feed-back before 31 March.
- Please make sure to include the track and the correct number of words in your abstract.
General rules:
- The process is neither anonymous for the mentor nor for the mentee. The draft abstract submitted must follow the submission guidelines.
- Each delegate is allowed to submit only one abstract to the mentorship programme.
- The administrator of the mentorship programme will immediately return abstract drafts to the author without review if they do not follow the submission guidelines.
- Mentors assist by reviewing the content, writing and format. Some technical support on research methods, analysis, or the report of results may be provided.
- Mentors cannot indicate if they think that the abstract is likely to be selected or not.