Session Submission Guidelines

Abstracts, Symposia, Post-graduate Courses, Workshops submissions will open on 19 February  and will close on 9 April 2025 at 23:59 Central European Time (CET).

Satellite session submissions are open on 19 February and will remain open until  30 May with a second round of submissions from 31 May to 1 August 2025, subject to slots availability.

Important note –

Chairs and speakers are required to register to attend the conference, including for sessions they will be contributing to.


Each session must be submitted under one of the official tracks for the conference, available here


The Conference Scientific Committee (CSC) of The Union World Conference on Lung Health bases their programme selection decisions according to a pre-defined review system.

Satellite Session Guidelines

Session dates

18-22  November 2025

Session submitters will be able to mention their preferred date of presentation, but the Conference Scientific Committee (CSC) reserves the right to offer another date to minimise conflict in the programme and maximise attendance.  

Session duration

Satellite sessions are solely scheduled outside of core conference hours for 60 or 90 minutes as detailed in the session format section below.


The most appropriate track will need to be chosen. This is to assist with programme planning, and track choice has no impact on the selection process.

The list of tracks is available here

Session category

  • Educational
  • Industry


The formats offered for satellite sessions are either:

  • A 60-minute morning session from 19-22 November 
  • 90-minute lunch time sessions from 18-21 November  
  • Or an up to 90-minute evening session from 19-21 November 


Satellite Sessions should have one or two chairs. They will be responsible for coordinating the session, communicating with speakers, promptly informing the Secretariat about changes, and moderating the session.


The maximum number of presentations is five. A minimum of four and maximum of five speakers is required. Chairs are not included in this speaker count.

Session sponsor

The Union offers to individuals, non-profit groups, organisations, or commercial entities the opportunity to showcase their work, research, and programmes, or draw more attention to a specific subject or area by organising a satellite session. The sponsor of a satellite session is to be identified and mentioned in the submission form. Satellite sessions not including sponsor information will not be considered for review.

Session description

The overall objectives of the session in 150 words or less (minimum of 10, maximum of 150) must be described.

Presentation description

A short description of 100 words or fewer must be submitted for each presentation. The presentation description will be considered for publication in the online programme.


A biography of no more than 100 words must be submitted for each proposed speaker. The biography will be considered for publication in the online programme.


Satellite sessions submitted by 30 May will receive notification by 16 June 2025. If there are slots remaining, there will be a second round of satellite session submissions between 31 May and 01 August 2025. Notifications for the second round will be sent by 11 August 2025.


The session will be reviewed for compliance with The Union’s mission and vision. There will be two rounds of reviews and notifications (see the section above). Proposals submitted in the first round will be given priority in slot selection.

Use of non-stigmatising language

The Union is committed to promoting people-centred language in all conference abstracts and presentations.

During submission preparation, the guidelines laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Words Matter – Suggested language and usage for tuberculosis communications (Second Edition – 2022), should be followed.

Proposals using stigmatising language will be penalised in the review process.

Below is the list of stigmatising words that will be considered by the reviewers:  

  • TB Contact (prefer ‘contact person’) 
  • Defaulter (prefer ‘person lost to follow-up’) 
  • Illegal/alien worker (prefer ‘noncitizen resident or unauthorized resident/worker’) 
  • He-his or she-her (prefer ‘they-them’) 
  • Suspect (prefer ‘person with presumed TB’) 
  • TB control (prefer ‘TB prevention and care or ending TB’)
  • AIDS patient (prefer ‘person living with HIV/AIDS PLWHA/PLHIV’) 

Contact with submitters

The submitted email addresses of each chair and of each speaker must be active contacts since communications will be directed to these email addresses.

IMPORTANT: Each chair and speaker must use one single email address for identification purpose in our submission, registration and conference digital platforms and apps., otherwise, the system will not recognise the user.


Notifications for the first round of submissions will be emailed by the 16 June.

Notifications for the second round of submissions will be emailed by 11 August.

Attendance and registration

The satellite session organiser should ensure costs of registration, transportation and hotel for the speakers and chairpersons will be covered, whether they are financially responsible, or the speakers and chairpersons should pay for themselves.

Full session payment should be made within six weeks of approval. If no payment is received, the slot will be allocated to another proposal.

All delegates registered for the conference can attend satellite sessions as a part of the core programme.


If selected, the session chairs, speakers and sponsors agree to the attached information relating to the release, recording and publication of their presentation and session.

Satellite session fees

Satellites Price *NGO
Upto 60 minutes
€ 12,500.00
€ 8,000.00
Upto 90 minutes
€ 35,000.00
Upto 90 minutes
€ 20,000.00
€ 16,000.00
*NGO rates are available for non-for-profit organisations with an annual operational budget of less than €20 million.
For further information contact:


Having carefully reviewed the guidelines, list of tracks, review criteria, and submission fees, please make your submission here :