Abstract Review System​

Max score: 19

Relevance (0-1)

The relevance score indicates relevance of the content of the abstract to the conference topic (lung health). The relevance score does NOT relate to the quality of the abstract. A score of 0 indicates that the abstract is not relevant to the conference and a score of 1 indicates that it is relevant. For abstracts which score 0 no further scoring should be undertaken.

Innovation (0-4)

The innovation score indicates how much the information, methods or results discussed in the abstract are unique, novel and innovative with 0 being not original at all and 4 likely contributing to a paradigm shift.

Significance (0-4)

The significance score indicates the importance and impact of a study and its findings. It assesses the scientific value, the importance of the results and the impact results might have on future research, policy and practice. This could also reflect the value of the concept/ idea being discussed, which reflects potential influence as well as demonstrable impact.

Design consideration

The study design score assesses whether or not the design is appropriate and of highest possible rigour taking into considerations issues such as bias, confounding, sample size, representation, saturation and community engagement/ partnerships. A score of 3 indicates the highest rigour within a study design catagory.

Method description (0-3)

The method description score indicates whether none (score 0), limited (score 1), some but insufficient (score 2) and sufficient and clear detail on methods is provided (score 3).

Results – (0-3)

The result score assesses the clarity and detail of results : 0 no results 1 few and confusing results 2 limited results 3 detailed and clear results

Conclusion (0-1)

A conclusion score of 0 indicates that the conclusions are unclear, exaggerated or not based on the results presented, while a score of 1 indicates that the conclusions are appropriate.

Stigmatising language – scores substracted as previously