Sessions Review System
Max score: 19.5
Clear and concise statements adequately describe what the authors/presenters expect participants to take away after the session.
0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent
(Weight = 0.5)
Coherence Of Sessions
Titles of presentations describe its contents appropriately, contents of the individual presentations are consistent with the objectives of the session and there is a noticeable theme across presentations.
0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent
(Weight = 1)
Relevance/advances in the field
Sessions are on topics of current interest as well as new evidence/information, approaches and updates on practice related to the subject are provided.
0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent
(Weight = 1)
Findings presented that are likely to change participant knowledge and/or practice.
0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent
(Weight = 1)
Stigmatising language
Please follow the guidelines laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Words matter language guide. Key stigmatising words/phrases will be highlighted by the system for reviewers to consider.
-1 = yes
0 = no
(Weight = 1)
Country representation
This will be pre-populated by the Secretariat
0 = only 1 country represented
1 = two to three countries represented
2 = four or more countries represented
(Weight = 1)